DBE Education Management Information Systems (EMIS)

Theme: People Date Added: 2018-11-19

What is it?

The EMIS page on the Department of Basic Education (DBE) website points to education information managed by this unit, including the Schools Masterlist and school surveys.

Key Points

  • Schools masterlist has learner numbers for each school
  • GPS coordinates for most schools
  • Provincial contacts for information requests
  • SNAP and NSC survey data

Why is it Important?

EMIS is a function and unit in the DBE with the responsibility to develop and maintain an integrated education information system for management of education. This unit collects, processes and publishes GrR to 12 education-related data which is important for managing the allocation of resources and developing education policy and plans.

How can it be accessed and used?

There are several education-related information sources in South Africa which are used by the DBE, learners, educators and stakeholders. The EMIS unit manages and integrates a number of sources including:

Schools Masterlist

The DBE EMIS Schools Masterlist page hosts XLSX spreadsheets with detailed information on every school in each province of South Africa. These spreadsheets can be downloaded as individual files, without having to register on the site. These are based on data from the SNAP Survey, amongst others.

Education Statistics in South Africa and School Realities Reports

The DBE publishes a series of statistical reports on the EMIS page. These reports analyse data from the SNAP Survey for Ordinary Schools, Annual Survey for Early Childhood Development (ECD), Learner Unit Record Information and Tracking System (LURITS) and Provincial Data Warehouses.

SNAP Survey of Ordinary Schools 1997-2016

An annual collection of data from all schools on learner and educator numbers, staff type, gender and remuneration. The micro-data is hosted by Datafirst.

National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examinations 2010-2016

This survey collects information on the performance of learners in NSC examinations, by subject and examination centre. The micro-data is hosted by Datafirst. Meta-data can be accessed without registration on the Datafirst site. However, to access the micro-data, visitors must register as a user and submit a request to Datafirst which will be evaluated and granted or rejected. Users of the micro-data will need to agree to a Data Access Agreement.

Operational ordinary schools

Location: South Africa
Format: XLSX CSV
Year: 2017Last Checked:10/7/2018
Online: Access URL
File Names:
  • Institution_Name: Name of the school
  • GIS_Longitude/ GIS_Latitude: GPS coordinates of school
  • Learner_Number 2017: Number of learners in the school for 2017

zaf-nsce-2016-by-subject-v1.1-stata11 (NSC examination performance by subject 2016)

Location: South Africa
Format: DTA
Year: 2016Last Checked:10/7/2018
Online: Access URL
File Names:
  • centrename: Exam centre
  • subjectcode: Subject code
  • achieved_60_to_69_9: Number of learners that achieved 60-69.9%
  • statistics
  • research
  • monitoring
  • education
  • schools

Resource contact name:Department of Basic Education EMIS

Creation or start date:2018-11-19

Resource contact updated at:2018-12-14

Spatial coverage  South Africa http://www.geonames.org/953987/south-africa.html

Where else has the resource been used?

Year Project Name::
2017 The impact of the no-fee school policy on enrolment and school performance: Evidence from NIDS Waves 1-3
2017 Study on the accuracy of school location information in South Africa
2016 Only 4% of South Africans who start school get a degree